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December 17, 2021
dear future me.
My first time travelling
Kevin's edits
Christmas Project


In my values worksheet, I wrote that being friendly would make the world a better place, even if it doesn’t make that much of a difference. Friendliness would count as love, and this project would mean that I get to show people the many ways of giving it. Giving someone a compliment or giving your heart out to someone close, be it a friend or partner, would be love and friendliness. Love and being friendly have one thing in common, and it is giving your heart out and appreciating someone or something. It doesn’t have to be a person who you give your heart to, it can be a pet you have that you pay attention to and care for. Love and friendliness can be found anywhere if you try hard enough. Love can be like giving half of yourself to someone for a half of them, getting to know them. In my personal opinion, love doesn’t just end with a partner, family, or friends. With friendliness and in love, even the small things can make a big difference. Calling someone talented or smart in a way that isn’t teasing can be counted as giving a little of your heart to that person. Even though it isn’t easy giving love or being friendly, the person receiving that tiny bit of attention you gave them would be happy if they were willing to accept it. In the end, love is to be friendly, as to be friendly is to give out love. You can spread love and friendliness anywhere, it doesn’t have to be romantic love. Ofcourse, you can spread platonic love to anyone willing to accept it. Romantic love, however, is a type of love that you save up for a special type of person. Your way of giving love or being friendly can range to anything. You can give small glances that come with a little smile, or smile at someone while they talk, that would be a way of giving love. Small acts of kindness and being friendly can also range through different actions. After all, love and friendliness comes with giving attention and a piece of your love to anyone and everything, making a small(but big) difference in the hearts of many.


What you dont know about me is that i portray an image that gets me into trouble sometimes, i get all of my kindness from my mom and the helpful people around me. I had to train myself to know who was a snake and who actually was on your side. When i was younger and I used to visit my mom, i would always have a transportation. Bikes, skateboard, rollerblading, scootering. I never took notice that skateboarding was such a eye catching thing to do. It looked very interesting to do with all the aesthetic and all of the hype of it. The nostalgic feeling of it just brings out another side of emotion of me. I am still learning how to skate, i am still a beginner but what drove me is my first flick of a trick called a “kickflip” it drove me to do more because it enhanced my mind to start filming people who can actually skate. Filming to me was such a recalling thing to do, i always remember being behind the lens of something, camera or film i always loved to take pictures of places i visit or film memories of something i love. This project means alot to me because skateboarding is such a misunderstood sport. People look at it as some ghetto kids in a spot but the kids look at is as a place where you can let your emotions out. This allows me to know more about myself by atleast know my strengths and weaknesses, what i can do what i cannot do. 

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